Why Work at Moose River?
Like all of the ministries of CCC, Moose River Outpost exists to introduce people to Jesus Christ, to help them begin a discipleship relationship with Him, and to assist them in building the tools they will need to sustain that relationship.
In short, at Moose River Outpost, we are working to build godly men and women. By using the wilderness camping environment we not only build their knowledge of God, but also holistically build their confidence, their ability to operate in the community, their respect for Creation, and other skills necessary for the sustenance of their faith away from camp.
As believers and followers of Christ, we recognize that these goals can be reached in a number of ways. However, as a community of believers called specifically to the task of Christian wilderness camping, we are committed to pursuing our goals in ways that make full use of the breathtaking stage of Creation.

God’s creation cannot help but declare His majesty, power, creativity, and love (Psalm 19:1, Romans 1:20). For this reason, the many activities campers engage in at Moose River Outpost is designed to generate an ongoing sense of appreciation for, amazement at, and enjoyment of Creation. Coupled with sound Biblical teaching, immersion in Creation is a powerful agent of change in the lives of campers. We must remember, however, that not everyone who sees God’s workmanship recognizes His signature. Our job as ministers of the gospel means we must work with campers to help them recognize God’s touch when they see it. Our job as stewards of this earth is to teach campers to appreciate it and participate in sustaining its beauty for years to come.
To allow the MRO wilderness to experience its full potency, we must maintain our camp culture in a way that engages with the contrasting culture from which our campers emerge, but is not colored by its influence. This is easily and naturally done by simply centering our culture around the very thing that makes us different: our wilderness location. The outdoors naturally generate an atmosphere that is challenging, demands cooperation, and allows for continuous adventure and development. The activities at camp are oftentimes a little strange by normal cultural standards, but this is exactly what makes them effective in building godly men and women while also showing them a great time.

There is an underlying need that will define the success or failure of camp at any given time. This is the need for a staff dedicated to Christ and to their campers. Our teaching can be Biblically sound, but if our staff does not put it into action, no camper will follow their lead. Most individuals who have been to camp can name every counselor they have ever had years after they left. The words that we teach are valuable, but it is the lives that we model in front of campers that make the greatest impact. At MRO we do not just teach the truth of scripture, but seek to live according to its direction in every decision, however seemingly insignificant.
MRO is primed for success by the beauty of its setting and the composition of its programming, but without the lead of a staff that honors Christ, serves campers, and infuses love into their every action, it will never fulfill its great purpose.
Will you be part of our summer team?