Tuition Assistance for Our Summer Camps
Lets Work Together!
We realize that camp can be expensive. We want your kids to come to camp. Feel free to call us or email with your questions. We’d love to chat.
You can receive a $100 bonus for each new family enrolled through your referral. This is for new families whose first contact to camp is through you. Referral rebate will be tendered by check at the close of the camping season upon receipt of a Referral Request Form. Requests need to be received by December 31st of the year attended.
Split Camp Discounts
For campers not eligible for the Extend the Summer Program (meaning campers who have already attended Moose River Outpost before), Split Camp Discounts are given to campers who attend sessions at Moose River Outpost and Brookwoods or Deer Run. The discount is a minimum of $400, and is calculated by multiplying the total number of weeks attending by $100. For example, a camper attending Moose River Outpost for 2 weeks and a session at Brookwoods for 4 weeks will receive a $600 discount.
Camp Tuition Assistance
Christian Camps and Conferences, Inc. offers tuition assistance to help families send their children to camp, but can’t do it without some help. Through the generosity of our donors, we are able to offer financial assistance to families in need. Because we want to help as many families as we can, scholarships are based on each family’s unique circumstances and vary between 25-50% of tuition. Since resources are limited, we ask you to consider the following as you make your request:
- Prayerfully consider the maximum portion of the camper tuition you are able to pay.
- We have several campers whose church communities help pay for tuition. Would your church consider helping to send your kids to camp?
- We believe that personal investment helps campers value their experience. Even if the amount is minimal, encourage your camper to make a contribution towards their tuition. Setting aside as little as $1 per week from now until the start of camp will help your camper feel more vested in the experience.
- If we are unable to provide the full amount you request, we will be happy to work out a payment plan. We will process your application in a timely and confidential manner and you will receive a letter indicating your awarded amount. Tuition assistance is awarded through a non-competitive evaluation of data, based on demonstrated need. The completion of this form does not obligate the applicant nor CCCI in any way.
Please select THIS LINK to submit an assistance form.
ReKINDling Curiosity
ReKINDling Curiosity is a grant program available to all children living and participating in summer camps in New Hampshire. If you live in NH and are attending Brookwoods or Deer Run, you can find out more information and sign up for this program here