Packing List for Your Summer in Maine
What to Bring to Camp
The following is a comprehensive list of what (and what not) to bring to camp. Campers registered for two weeks should bring enough clothes to last their entire stay. Campers registered for a month, should also bring enough clothes for two weeks and will have their laundry done one time at the half way through. All articles, including shoes, socks, hats, clothing and athletic equipment must be marked with your camper’s name. Campers are urged to keep track of their belongings and are given the opportunity to claim lost articles each week.
Here’s a Packing List!
- Sleeping bag and bed sheet
- Pillow/2 pillow cases
- Waterproof rain gear (see note below)
- Footwear (see note below)
- Pajamas
- Nice outfit for end-of-month banquet: a simple dress or skirt for girls and a polo shirt for boys
- Shorts (8)
- Jeans or rugged pants (2)
- Underwear (for 2 weeks)
- T-shirts (10)
- Athletic socks (8 pair)/2-pair warm or wool socks
- Sweatshirt and sweatpants
- Wool sweater or warm fleece pullover
- Light windbreaker-type jacket
- Sneakers (2 pairs in case one gets wet)
- Swimsuit (2): one-piece for girls and trunk-style for boys
- Beach towels (2)
- Face towel/bath towel
- Pencils/pens
- Camera
- Flashlight (extra batteries)
- Stamps and stationary (to write home!)
- Sunscreen/lip balm/sunglasses
- Bible (NIV version suggested)
- 1 laundry bag (labeled with name!)
- Insect repellent/after-bite stick
- Personal hygiene items (in labeled bag)
- Comb/brush
- Soap and shampoo
- Toothpaste/toothbrush
- 1 water bottle
- Backpack or daypack for hikes
Camp Dress Code
Daily clothing should be modest and appropriate. Please do not bring t-shirts with inappropriate or suggestive graphics.
For women, tops should have straps that are two fingers wide and long enough to completely cover their stomach. Shorts should be a minimum 3″ inseam and not too tight. If girls wear leggings, they must wear a shirt that covers the bottom completely. Tops should be no lower than a hand-width from their neckline. Only modest one-piece bathing suits are permitted. End-of-month banquet dresses and skirts should also be a modest length. Please do not plan to wear strapless, spaghetti strap, or backless dresses and tops at camp.
Please don’t put camp in an uncomfortable position and make sure that packed outfits are appropriate. We reserve the right to ask your child to change clothes if deemed inappropriate.
We strongly recommend duffel bags instead of footlockers or traditional luggage for transporting your child’s gear to camp. They are easier to pack, travel, and store under bunks.
Clothing and Equipment List
We recommend the clothing and equipment listed below. Quantities are based on a two-week session, so please pack accordingly if your child is staying longer. Because temperatures and weather conditions vary during the summer, campers must have cool-weather and rain gear. Camp clothes experience a lot of wear and tear—please don’t pack pricey clothing that you wouldn’t want damaged.
Important! We can’t stress this enough, please mark all of your child’s items with their name. Lost and unclaimed items will be donated to charity.
Rain Gear
We’re pretty good at “rainy day programs” and having a waterproof raincoat makes a big difference to a camper when they have to run up to Deer Run Lodge from the Swim Beach. When purchasing rain gear, look for coated nylon or PVC-coated waterproof (not repellent) material. Vinyl rain wear and ponchos are not recommended.
Optional Gear
Fishing gear, baseball glove, tennis racquet, lacrosse stick, non-electric musical instrument. Please don’t forget to put your camper’s name on these too!
Recently we have noticed foot injuries at camp related to the lack of proper footwear. Camp is a tough environment for feet with dirt roads, paths through the woods, and an abundance of sticks and rocks. The best footwear you can provide your kids at camp are closed-toes shoes that also have straps to stay on their feet while running. Sneakers and closed-toe sport sandals work for just about everything. Campers interested in basketball or tennis will need appropriate court sneakers. Campers will not be permitted to engage in activities if they are wearing any type of footwear that does not have a strap. The exception to this will be at the waterfront or walking to the boy’s shower house where flip flops are permitted.
There are a variety of ways to set up your bunk, but washable sleeping bags are a must. Some campers like to sleep in their sleeping bag all summer and we definitely recommend a fitted sheet under your sleeping bag. Some like to sleep with a sleeping bag liner, often fleece and washable. We strongly suggest a light weight blanket on top of your sleeping bag for cool evenings. And some like to make their bunk with sheets and a blanket and then use their sleeping bag as a blanket for cool nights. There are lots of ways to do it and just like packing for camp, it’s all about layers. Please don’t forget your pillow. There’s always room for a stuffed animal.
Bed Wetting
Please note that if your child experiences occasional or frequent bed-wetting, you will need to make some special preparations. Sleeping bags should not be used for daily sleeping in this circumstance; please bring sheets and a washable blanket for your child. Please give us a call at the Main Office if you expect this might be an issue. That will help up be be better prepared.
In addition to the items listed above, some programs and trips (such as rafting and hiking) require more specialized clothing. The following is a list of additional items to bring based on the specific trips/programs in which your camper may participate:
Campers Age 11 and Older
Hiking boots for overnight backpacking trip. Boots should cover the ankle, have an aggressive tread, allow for a heavy sock, and be made of leather, synthetic corduroy or combination of both. Durable boots usually cost between $50-$100.
Campers Age 14 and Older
Rain jacket, rain pants and rain hat for day hikes.
Monther Kennebec River Whitewater Rafting Trip
Teva-type sandals with ankle straps, water shoes or sneakers (must be worn at all times), wool or polypropylene (No cotton!) socks, shorts and outer layer for off-river wear, quick-drying nylon top to protect against bugs/sun, wool sweater or fleece.
What Not to Bring to Camp
In keeping with camp’s philosophy, electronic equipment is not allowed—please keep these items at home. This includes: radios, televisions, iPods, hand-held electronic games, iPads, Kindles, and cell phones. If your camper brings these items, they will be placed in the Main Office for the duration of their stay. Digital cameras are permitted if used appropriately.
Lost & Found
Camp will not accept responsibility for lost or stolen articles. Marked items left at Camp may be mailed home when a parent calls or emails the office to identify the missing item. We will ask you to please reimburse us for shipping and handling. Please understand that hundreds of items are left at camp every summer. Since we cannot hold the items indefinitely, unclaimed items will be donated to a charitable organization by mid-September.