Scholarship Endowment

Scholarship Endowment

Call us biased, but we think that camp is one of the greatest experiences ever! We desire to make camp accessible to as many campers and their families as possible. However, for some families, tuition is a financial challenge. The Scholarship Fund was established to provide financial assistance to campers who could not otherwise attend. In 2018 approximately 25% of the campers at Brookwoods, Deer Run, and Moose River Outpost received some level of scholarship assistance.

The Scholarship Fund is financed through current year donations to the Annual Fund and earned interest income from the Inspiration Point Scholarship Endowment Fund. The Endowment now stands at $1.2M. Growing this fund through The Next 75 will provide a steady stream of scholarship assistance for future generations, and allow more kids to learn about God’s love for them through the fun and adventure of camp. Donations to the Endowment may be made through current gifts or by bequests and other estate gifts.
