Winnipesaukee Getaways
Join the Camp Fun
Last summer, over 1,000 of you came to Camp Brookwoods and Deer Run for a Winnipesaukee Weekend. You were able to participate in many of our favorite camp activities and as you said goodbye to us, you asked, “Are you doing this again next summer?” We hoped so, but we had no idea if the pandemic would wax or wane. Thankfully, it has waned and we’re excited to get back to our primary ministry focus, camp for kids ages 8-16. But at the same time, we also want to continue the camp magic that we captured last summer with you! So if you joined us last summer, or if you didn’t get an opportunity, this is your second chance for a summer camp getaway!
Go to our Winnipesaukee Getaway page to find out more and to register for one of the three sessions offered August 24 through September 6th!
We are excited to see you, to hear how God is working in your lives, and to have more camp fun together! We are praying that this will be a time to reconnect with you and will be an encouragement to all!