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Cabin Night: Special Edition!

Cabin Night: Special Edition!

Cabin Night: Special Edition was our first ever virtual event which offered an opportunity to hear an update on Summer 2021 and was the official launch of The Next 75: Building for the Future Capital Campaign! Some of you may have heard some bits and pieces about what we have been doing to prepare camp for future generations of campers, this video is your opportunity to learn all about it! We’re happy to share these exciting plans with the camp family and welcome more ministry partners as we move forward in faith to strengthen the ministry. Our ultimate goal is to see more lives transformed by a relationship with Jesus, but we need help to make that happen.  Please join us as we look to the future together and, by God’s grace, continue to minister in the name of Christ.

This live event was held Tuesday, November 2, 7:30 – 8:30 pm EST with guest hosts, Paul and Maddie Voge! Watch the video above to hear an update on Brookwoods, Deer Run and Moose River Outpost, and learn about the projects included in the campaign. You can also find more on the website here. If you’d like to participate, you may make a one-time gift here or enter a 3 year pledge here. For more ways to give please email

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