Winter Reunion 2024!

Reconnect and Rejoice
Are you still thinking about those warm summer days by the lake, the laughter of friends in the cabin, and the joy of campfires? Do you want to come back and experience it all…in the SNOW? Well, you’re in for a treat! We invite you to join us for the Brookwoods & Deer Run Winter Reunion 2024. Our hope is that this retreat will provide you and your friends with the spiritual encouragement needed to head into the New Year with renewed purpose and faith. It’s a time to grow in your relationship with Christ, surrounded by the support of counselors and fellow campers.
We are excited to have Jon Deming, as this year’s retreat speaker. Jon is the Associate Pastor at Wethersfield Evangelical Free Church in Wethersfield, CT. The theme will be around the unexpected Jesus. Jesus is different- it’s that simple and that profound. His way, his invitation, his call, his values…all of them depart from those of the world we live in every day. In this series, we will learn from Luke’s account of Jesus about the different kind of kingdom Jesus is building.
Find more details on our Registration Page and check out last year’s video.
Or you can contact us – Email Ben Email Beth