Social Media Update
This spring we have spent a lot of time working to improve the way we communicate with our camp family and bring new folks into our family over social media. We’ve connected with camp alum in the tech industry, worked with a consultant, and talked to a lot of you about what and how you’d like to receive information from camp. After all of that, we have launched a Hootsuite account to organize all of our social media in one place.
What does that mean for you? Well if you love camp, you should follow us on instagram (@camp_bwdr, @moose_river_outpost), twitter (@campBWDR) @mooservroutpost), facebook (On the Camp Brookwoods and Deer Run and Moose River Outpost facebook pages), and track our blog (which can be found at the bottom of the page of We are excited about this opportunity to share more of camp with you. Follow these accounts for vintage photos of our camps through the years, an inside look at some of the best trips we run in the summer, a weekly spotlight on some of our staff, and much more. You can also look forward to the unveiling of the last twelve episodes of Camp Connected, which will be published one by one every Friday through July. If you like what you see or have more ideas about what you’d like us to post, reach out to us on any of these accounts!