New SALT Program
Introducing a new program at Brookwoods and Deer Run
One of the highlights of serving on a camp staff year-after year is to see the growth and development of the campers as they return each summer. The 8-year old, who might be afraid of the dark, transforms in the 16-year old who completes a multi-day hike LOVING IT! The last few years in High School are so important developmentally, and it is hard for everyone in the camp family to participate in the extended two-summer leadership programs, LDP and WILD. To that end we are introducing a new program for those campers would like to extend their camp stay but are limited by their available time. The SALT program (Servant And Leadership Training) is a four-week one summer experience for 16 and 17 year old boys and girls, run out of Brookwoods and Deer Run in New Hampshire. During their month at camp, participants will participate in self-discovery through self-assessment, team building and service. The capstone of the experience is a week-long service opportunity outside of camp. This program is limited to the first 5 boys and 5 girls that meet the qualifications of the program. The program will run July 12th to August 8th.
The SALT program is designed to provide a continuing opportunity for Brookwoods, Deer Run and Moose River Outpost campers to be involved with the camp community and expand their faith through exploration of themselves, each other, and the meaning of service to another community. The four-week program combines team building and training experiences, with Biblical Studies in preparation for an extensive service opportunity to others.
Proposed SALT Schedule:
◦ 3 day extended outdoor experience in the woods or on the water.
◦ On site team building coupled with Bible Studies, personal exploration and inventory.
◦ Integration with Brookwoods and Deer Run Banquet
◦ One Week Service opportunity
◦ Camp “Fun Days” and reflection at completion of the service opportunity.
Who should consider the program? If you have completed the regular camp programs at Brookwoods and Deer Run, or Moose River Outpost, this is the next experience for you if LDP or WILD does not fit your schedule.
Click HERE to download the application to all of the Leadership Programs at Christian Camps and Conferences.
While we can’t possibly accommodate EVERYONE in the camp programs and one can’t be a camper FOREVER, we hope that SALT will provide some great growth experiences for this High Schooler’s as they develop and look forward to graduation and possibly college.
Of course, please call me at the office at 603-875-3600, if you have any detailed questions about SALT.