Easter for 50 days!?
Did you know that traditionally, the Church has celebrated Easter as a season, not just as a single day when we wear new outfits, sing “Christ the Lord is Risen Today,” eat chocolate, and hunt eggs? Additionally, Easter has historically been seen as THE most important celebration in Christendom (more important even than Christmas with its mere 12 days). This actually makes a lot of sense if you think about it. After all, the apostle Paul tells us in 1 Cor 15:17, “And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins.” The truth of the Christian message hinges on the resurrection of Jesus. That’s why we celebrate (or should be celebrating) for 50 days—right up until Pentecost, when we commemorate the sending of the Holy Spirit.
During this “Eastertide,” liturgical churches add a lot of extra “Alleluias.” (Did you know that Handel wrote “The Messiah” as an Easter piece? Only the first act is about Jesus’s birth, the second act covers His death, and the third act proclaims his resurrection. Handel premiered the piece during the Lent season in 1741.) These “Alleluias” have become part of our written prayers and acclamations, baptisms are conducted on Easter Eve and Pentecost, and there is a celebratory mood to worship services and gatherings.
Recently, I was thrilled to contribute to Household Theology, a blog hosted by Camp Deer Run alumna, Elizabeth Gatewood, where she shares thoughts about embodied theology, domestic life, and home design. And as baptisms are a part of Eastertide celebrations, we thought we’d share this piece about celebrating baptism birthdays. In our home, we don’t quite “skip around the room,” but you could make that a part of your celebration if you would like! You can find my blog post “Celebrating Baptism Birthdays” here, but don’t stop there, subscribe to Elizabeth’s blog and enjoy her wisdom, insights, and encouragement on a regular basis!
P.S. Elizabeth has also been a guest author for The Friday Blog (our camp blog).
Ann Higgins is the Director of Development for Camp Brookwoods, Deer Run, and Moose River Outpost where the best part of her job is interacting with the thankful and generous camp family that supports our mission. You can reach her at ann@christiancamps.net