Advent – He is on the Move
Happy New Year – It’s Advent – He is On the Move
by Matthew Kozlowski, Brookwoods Alumnus
Every December, in the season leading up to Christmas, Christians celebrate Advent. But Advent is more than just a countdown. Here are three points to remember about this season.
1. Happy New Year!
In the church calendar, Advent is actually the beginning of the year. We start anew, as we await the incarnation of Jesus Christ. It’s interesting that the year starts with a period of watchful waiting. So much of our culture demands action – what can be done now? Advent says the opposite: don’t rush to act, but wait, stay alert, watch. This is the only way that we will recognize the coming of Christ.
I remember at camp how counselors would lead devotionals at night. A lot of times they would ask, “Where did you see God today?” This is a good thing to ask ourselves in Advent! Keep watch, stay alert, He is on the move.
2. The Second Coming
While Advent most clearly awaits the incarnation of Jesus on Christmas, the season also speaks of the time when Christ will come again. As it says in Mark 13:26, “At that time people will see the Son of Man coming in clouds with great power and glory.” What will this be like? The Bible gives us descriptions of the end of times, and many of these descriptions are troubling. But Jesus also says in John 16:33, “Take heart! I have overcome the world.”
I had a counselor friend at camp who struggled for a while about whether he was ‘truly saved.’ He confided this to a few of us, and someone replied (gently but firmly): “Look, do you believe in your heart and confess with your lips that Jesus Christ is Lord?”
My friend replied, “Yes, of course.”
“Well, then, you’re saved. End of story.”
Thinking about that conversation now, it seems like a good thing to keep in mind during Advent, as we await the second coming of our Lord. We are assured that Jesus is ours, and we are His.
3. Most Highly Favored Lady – Mary
Advent is a time to consider Mary, the mother of Jesus. But wait, you might say, is Mary only for Catholics? While, Roman Catholics have unique devotions to Mary, you don’t have to be Catholic to think about Mary at this time of Year. In fact, Christianity Today just ran a front page article on this very point.
The Bible says that the Angel told Mary, “The Lord is with you!” Indeed, the Lord Jesus truly would be with Mary, growing inside her as an unborn babe. She literally held the son of God in her body – and years later, after Jesus had died for our sins – she would once again hold his body, this time at the foot of the cross. At camp there is a place called “Inspiration Point.” Well, I think that Mary is a “Point of Inspiration.” May her love, courage, and devotion inspire you this season.
He Is On the Move
Well, I couldn’t close this article without mentioning Narnia at least once. Remember, in the depth of winter, Mr. Beaver whispers to the children, “Aslan is on the move!” I believe that God is moving today, all around us. Yes, there’s plenty for us to do at this time of year. But that’s no match for what God has already done, and what God is doing right now.
Advent Blessings to you and yours!
The Rev. Matthew Kozlowski is an associate priest at All Saints Church in Chevy Chase, MD. He lives in Alexandria, VA with his wife, Danielle, and two daughters. “Koz” was a counselor at Brookwoods and Moose River between 2002-2005, where he taught sailing and wrote mildly amusing skits for the Staff Special.