A Priceless View
It’s a beautiful Tuesday morning here at Moose River Outpost. The sun is shining, and warming the grass, which is still wet from some overnight thunderstorms. Before the storms last night, we had one of those starry nights that comes along once, maybe twice a summer. We could look up and see not just stars, but galaxies, planets, and the dim white of the Milky Way laying across the sky overhead.
As quiet as the sky was last night, it has not kept us here in camp from staying busy and enjoying creation in more active ways. The campers in main camp enjoyed a “Price is Right”-style auction game together last night, complete with our own version of the Bob Barker/Drew Carey character leading the festivities. Tonight is cabin night here, so each cabin unit will join together in their own part of camp. Some will water-ski, others will take over the camp game room for ping-pong and ice cream, and still others will challenge each other in paintball.
For the first time in over a week, all of our WILD campers will be with us here in camp, and off the trail. WILD 1 is being picked up after a successful trip on the Appalachian Trail this morning. Meanwhile, WILD 2 is here doing apprenticeship and shadowing our counselors as they put their leadership skills into practice.
The session continues to be fun, memorable, beautiful, and eventful. We’re thankful for nights with so many starts they seem to fill the sky with daylight of their own.