Summer Camp Update: July 7
“As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts higher than your thoughts.”
Isaiah 55:9
Unlike your average church service, on Sunday morning here at MRO, we spent some time in cabin groups quietly observing God’s world around us in some of the more remote and untouched wilderness spots around camp. What we saw and learned was a great confirmation of the power of our creator and of the many things we can learn about Him by looking carefully at his handiwork.
Yesterday and today, our campers have been doing a different kind of exploration of God’s world. It’s daytrip time! Every session, each of our campers chooses a daytrip for themselves from an always-developing list of options. This session we’ve sent out 4 trips.
The first trip out yesterday was our fishing trip. A group of campers and staff headed out to Long Pond for some bass fishing, and were met with great success. They caught so many fish, in fact, that they were able to bring home several of the larger ones and let anyone who wanted a taste at dinnertime try some of their made-over-the-fire fish-fry. I can attest that it was delicious.
Also yesterday, our rock climbers headed out to Mt. Kineo on Moosehead Lake for some climbing on the 70 foot cliffs there. One of the most beautiful locations in Maine, Mt. Kineo seems to rise out of the water like the tip of a massive sword in Moosehead lake. After a boat-ride to the foot of the mountain-island, our campers harnessed up and took on the cliffs. Everyone successfully made it up with one camper even managing the hardest climb on the mountain, a 5.9 (in the Yosemite Decimal System).
Today campers headed out with inflatable kayaks for the whitewater of the East Outlet. A tributary of the Kennebec river, the East Outlet is the perfect place for a paddler’s first taste of whitewater. It’s tame enough for beginners, but exciting enough to keep any paddler on the edge of their inflatable seat.
Also, our first ever frisbee golf trip departed today. This trip was immediately a popular one. While it may not have the hard-edged outdoor reputation of the other trips, we know it will be a great time in a beautiful place. No doubt the customay MRO competitive spirit will come in the play and make each hole a welcome challenge.
As our campers return tonight, we’ll enjoy a big, healthy meal and settle in to another night of fellowship and fun here at camp. The weather has been perfect for days, and while a shower or two may be predicted for tonight, we’re ok with a little time indoors after great daytrips.