MRO Staff Hiring is Underway!
What’s more meaningful than spending time in a beautiful outdoor place saturated with God’s craftsmanship? Spending time serving God and others in that place! Staff hiring is underway for the 2015 camp season, and I’m excited to say that we’ve already got applications in hand from numerous capable staff prospects from around the country.
What do we look for in staff members? You might be surprised by the answer. Rugged outdoor skills? Experience with raging whitewater? The ability to quote the entire book of Romans verbatim? These things are great, and would contribute to a great staff profile. But what we’re really looking for is heart.
We need someone who will answer yes when a camper asks them to take them fishing at 5 AM. We need someone who will scrape dirty dishes and continue cleaning when the whistles and voices outside signify that evening games are underway. We need someone who has an answer ready when a camper asks, “does Jesus mean anything to you?”
Outdoor skills are crucial at camp. But what matters more is heart. It takes a soft heart to realize that, that camper who won’t quit talking just wants to be noticed and cared for. It takes a strong and enduring heart to carry the heaviest pack, to lead and encourage, and to be the last one to take your boots off at the end of the day. It takes a heart that belongs to Christ to realize that even as we teach, we learn; even as we lead worship, we worship; and even as we share our testimony, we’re living another chapter of that story.
If we do it right, serving on summer staff should be the hardest thing we’ve ever done. Considering what our summer staff are capable of, the hearts for service that they bring to camp, that’s saying a lot. If you’re one of those people, with a heart to serve and an appreciation for what MRO is, give me a call. If you know one of those people, send them our way. Something great is in the works at MRO, and we’re serious about getting the right people involved.