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Executive Director Search


Dear Camp Family,

As you may recall, shortly before the 2022 summer camp season Bob Strodel announced his intention to retire this coming August from Christian Camps and Conferences, Inc. His decades of service as the Executive Director have demonstrated a focus, a willingness to give, and a passion for the incredible ministry that has allowed generations of campers to experience the love of Christ. His planning with the Board of Directors in the years leading up to this moment enabled the Board to begin a thorough search process this fall. With support from an outside firm, the Board defined key characteristics that would be required to lead the organization forward while keeping the ministry focused on the grace, love, and truth of Christ.

Tim Nielsen and Bob Strodel

The Board is pleased to announce that Tim Nielsen has been named the next Executive Director, Christian Camps and Conferences, Inc. Tim has an extensive background in camping which began as a child when he joined his parents while they were involved with summer camp at Sandy Cove Ministries in Maryland. These camping programs were started by Miles Strodel prior to his years at Brookwoods. As a young boy, Tim even attended Camp Brookwoods for three summers, spending time in the Woodchuck and Porcupine cabins. With a degree from Houghton College and a Masters in Christian Education after attending seminary at Columbia International University, Tim spent 30 years at Sandy Cove Ministries as the Director for their summer camps. CCCI was fortunate to have Tim return in 2019 when he joined CCCI as the Director of Ministry Services, responsible for managing operations and summer support staff. Tim has been married to Adina for 17 years and they have two girls – Tilba, 10, and Dagny, 8. While Tilba is a veteran of two summers at Camp Deer Run, Dagny will start blazing her own trail this summer in the Explorer Program.

Tim’s desire to see children, young adults, and conference guests experience Christ at our camps and develop long-lasting relationships with Him is clear when he talks about the ministry of CCCI. His willingness to listen and learn from others is an integral part of his relationships leading to deep connections. His knowledge of the camping industry, and of Brookwoods, Deer Run, and Moose River Outpost in particular, is significant. The role modeling that he provides as a Christian leader who desires to share the love of Christ with others is apparent throughout his day. Tim’s work as Executive Director will make a meaningful and lasting impact on the life of this ministry.

Tim, Dagny, Adina and Tilba Nielsen


“I am humbled and thrilled to be invited to serve as the Executive Director of CCCI. The Lord has used this ministry and its staff in amazing ways over the last 79 years. Many have come to know Jesus as the Lord of their life and all have been encouraged to grow in their relationship to Him. I am committed to maintaining this focus while delivering quality Christian camping and conference experiences. I value your prayers and partnership as I continue to serve our Camp family.” – Tim Nielsen

“The Board has completed an extensive search for the next leader for camp and Debbie and I are thrilled they selected Tim Nielsen. Tim possesses unique experiences and qualities that include attending Brookwoods as a camper, extensive experience with other fine Christian organizations, a national standing with the American Camp Association, a heart for the ministry and development of young men and women, combined with incredible love for the Lord.” – Bob Strodel


The Board would like to gratefully acknowledge your prayers throughout this process and the encouragement that many of you have offered. We have been humbled as we have considered the candidates to discern how they might best support this ministry going forward. We are thankful for the call that Tim has responded to and we would ask for your prayers in this time of transition for Bob, Tim, their respective families, and the camps of Brookwoods, Deer Run, and Moose River Outpost.


Bob will continue to lead the organization through the conclusion of the summer as he and Tim partner to ensure Tim is fully equipped to lead the organization starting this fall. After his retirement, Bob will continue to provide the leadership and expertise necessary to complete the major initiatives and projects of the Next75 Capital Campaign. At a future date, we expect to have further information to share about how the camp family can help us in properly recognizing Bob for his service and in supporting Tim as he begins his own.

In His Service,

Dave Bass, Board Chair
Jon Bryan, Search Committee Chair









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