Giving Tuesday 2021
Ahhh, November, it seemed to fly by this year. It is typically the month that brings cooler temperatures, lovely foliage…and Thanksgiving! I’ve even heard recently that the whole month should be seen as a time to give thanks. I’m all for that! And at Camp, we have a LOT to be thankful for. At the top of the list is having campers back at camp this past summer! What a wonderful blessing it was to do all the things we love to do, Blob, eat on the Front Lawn, sing outside, swim in the lake, and the list goes on! We heard time and again that it was “the summer we needed,” and it certainly was.

One of my favorite stories from the summer actually took place in John Harutunian’s Narnia class (which had been relocated to the Gaga pit so kids could be outside unmasked). One Deer Run camper, after listening to the ending of C.S. Lewis’s The Last Battle expressed a renewed desire to follow Jesus and prayed to recommit her life to doing so.* This is just one example of how God is using camp to change lives and why I am thankful for the ministry of Camp Brookwoods, Deer Run, and Moose River Outpost. This is also why I can confidently invite friends and alumni of camp to “Join the Journey” by supporting this ministry through their charitable giving.
And that brings me to another (usually in) November event, Giving Tuesday. The origins of Giving Tuesday are laid out on their website as a day to encourage radical generosity, “a day that encourages people to do good.” This year, Giving Tuesday falls on November 30, the last day of this “month of thankfulness.” If you are thankful for camp, I encourage you to prayerfully consider a gift to camp on Giving Tuesday. It’s a great way to move into the holiday season and give back to a place where God is at work changing lives and raising up thankful followers who will do good, encourage generosity, and share the love of Jesus.
Again, we are so thankful for all of you who encourage us, pray for us, and include us in your charitable giving. We wish you a blessed Thanksgiving as you give thanks to our Father in heaven who loves His children and is “…able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us.” Esp 3:20
Happy Thanksgiving,
* This passage of the book gives an emotional account of Aslan explaining to the children that, following a train accident, they were no longer on earth but living in his country, foreshadowing the afterlife of believers in the new heavens and new earth.