Eternal Value: Lower Price.
If you’ve been following the news from Moose River Outpost in the last year, you know that things at MRO have been changing immensely. As we complete this process, I’m thrilled to be able to introduce the results of those changes to you. Under the leadership of our Board of Directors, we’ve made several moves to refocus our energies and resources on summer camp, which we strongly believe to be the heart of our ministry. We’ve changed our entire operational model to focus on the summer season, eliminating heating costs and the massive snow removal duties that come with the Jackman winter season. The result of these and other moves is a shift toward a more focused ministry in which summer camp comes first. More specifically, these changes will now allow us to change our pricing for camp. Starting today, 2 weeks at Moose River Outpost will be priced at $1175.
This major decrease in price is the result of a lot of hard work behind the scenes and a continuing commitment from our Board of Directors to keep summer camp first among our priorities. We have not had to change our summer camp program in any way to accommodate this change. We’ll be serving the same great food, we’ll be using the same quality equipment, and we’ll be hiring the same great staff that we’ve always enjoyed at camp. In fact, keep your eye on the camp blog this winter for announcements about exciting new programs coming to camp this year. As always, we’re hard at work already on making this coming summer great.
Of course, the best things at MRO are, and always have been, free. God’s world is singing His praises around us, and at camp we’re just joining the song. There’s no price tag on the friendships we make at camp and the way we as friends can encourage each other to be God’s men and women. This is His place, and God continues to show his blessings to Moose River Outpost.
We’re so glad to make camp more affordable for you and your family. Please join with us in spreading the word about MRO’s extraordinary program. We hope that the changes we’ve made in the last year will make it easier for you to tell your friends about the amazing things happening in our little corner of Maine. In the end, we’re working to make sure more children can enjoy the benefits of an MRO adventure. Thanks for being a part of the MRO family, and thanks for believing in what God is doing at camp.